The Palestine Red Crescent Society (PRCS), is a national humanitarian organization founded in 1968, it caters to the health and welfare of the Palestinian people and others in need in the OPT and the Diaspora. PRCS strives to ease human suffering through its Emergency Medical Services (EMS), preventive and curative health care services, rehabilitation, volunteer activities, and programs promoting social and cultural development, with a focus on the most vulnerable members of the society, with emphasize on the dissemination of the humanitarian values, the fundamental principles of the International Movement of the Red Cross and Red Crescent, in addition to International Humanitarian Law.
The cooperation aspects between GCT and PRCS were in conducting training programs for its benefit, and these training programs were as the following:
Security and protection institutions: it conducted in 2012 Ramallah with trainer Mr. Mohammed Samara from Jordan and aimed to provide an introduction to the concept of comprehensive security, with the entrance of theoretical and applied side, identify the rules and requirements of the security planning for the founding of the organizations, the concept of assessment and security survey, identify the risks and security threats that may be exposed to organizations and institutions through access to an international agenda by the international classification, and how to identify risks and threats, classification, and strategies of confrontation and containment.
Executive Secretariat and the technology of the future: it carried out in Ramallah 2009 with trainer Dr. Hannah Qaqish from Jordan, the main goals of it were to hone the skills of the participants to the administrative and secretarial work in process of modern office management and follow-up the office business to increase work efficiency, develop of their behavioral skills for the secretarial and prepare them psychologically to do their job duties.